Friday, April 15, 2016

Being a co-creator with God: There is nothing you cannot be, there is nothing you cannot do, there is nothing you cannot have.

For a view weeks God is giving me a different insight on the spiritual realm, and specifically on how we are co-creators with God right now. For a long time I have found myself stuck in a wilderness and for some reason God didn't give clear directions on the why and where to go to. I had ideas about it, but no confirmation from God at all. On Instagram  I made a joke about it and posted the following picture saying: “My preference followed by my reality…Anybody knows how to read a map?”

God decided to step in and is teaching me how to read the map myself. I’ve been chewing on it for a view weeks now and slowly it is starting to make sense to me. Most Christians like myself have been thought or have the idea that we have to wait for specific directions from God before we can move and take action. In that time that we are waiting we have the tendency to wait and just go through our daily routines and pray about it. We ask God, we beg God, we go from conference to conference to seek God and we let others pray for us and yet, it seems that God is just not responding to us. So many Christians like myself, find themselves staring at a map that does not make any sense at all. We have no destination points or no direction to even get to a destination point. Then there are also moments that you do have a destination point but for some reason we are not reaching that point. It could be anything: health, finances, promotion, a job, relations, … you name it. I don’t know dear reader if you can relate to this at all…but this is where I’ve been living from the moment I gave my life to Christ and even before that.

“I (Jesus) am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

I think it’s safe to assume that most of us know this verse. What I am starting to realize is how little I understand it. In Genesis it says that God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them. After the first sin, Adam and Eve were cut off from the tree of Life and lost their ruling position. From now on they had to work for it. But with the work of Jesus at the cross and through His resurrection, He restored our position back to when Adam and Eve were just created. And I believe that the tree of Life is now the vine that Jesus is talking about in John 15. To remain in the vine is not hard work, we simply have to receive the power/ food source coming from the vine. To let the flow of Life from the Holy Spirit run through us through communion, relationship, meditating and studying the Scriptures.

The thing that God is teaching me is that this goes a bit further than that. In life we get to decide what we look at, what we listen to, with what we allow into our lives and what not. This is the first step into remaining in Jesus or not. This is called “the sponsoring thought.” This is the first thought that is the food supply for every other thought that will follow. If our sponsoring thought is based on fear, it will have effect on the thoughts that will follow. For example, I mentioned in a earlier blog that my greatest fear was being happy. This was my first thought, so as I was going though the course of life I would think about how I had to make sure not to enjoy the good things in life, just in case it would turn its back on me like all the other times. I don’t think it needs explanation to tell you the effect that this had on my behavior, choices and actions. This one example alone had a huge effect on the quality of my life and I was a magnet for bad things happening in my life. So now I was using the ruling power that God gave me and co-created my life in a way that did not bear the fruits of the tree of Life. When my sponsoring thought is love however, this will be the feeding source on all the other thoughts going through my mind and from that the words I speak and from that the actions I take.

This in itself is not that big of a revelation, this makes a lot of sense. What is new to me is the power that our thoughts have. In the spiritual (invisible) realm it creates a substance around us. In Matthew 5 Jesus already explains this. He explained that with our heart, thought and words we can commit murder or adultery. In Jesus’ His ministry we read a couple of times that He knew what the people were thinking. We might call it the discernment of the Spirit and that is true. Yet in the spiritual realm this is one of the reasons it gets picked up on. So now we have created with our minds a substance in our environment. The next step/ level of creating is words. This is productive and our thoughts and words together are magnificently effective in giving birth to our reality. From that flows actions, which are words moving, or words and thoughts expressed.

So, let’s have another look at the wilderness map. We see question marks and we see very unclear roads. The first thing God wants us to do is for us to separate ourselves from our slave mentality. Pruning and changing our sponsoring thought into the vine called Jesus which is Love. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.(…) My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:9-12

The top picture is a clear example of the slave mentality. Just like the Israelites were use to getting the command and they just did what was told. The top picture represents just that. The sponsoring thought was based on fear and when the source of commandment (Moses) was gone for too long, they panicked and quickly created something else to follow. They walked around complaining, blaming, not taking responsibility and refused to leave the slave mentality behind in the dessert. It were Joshua and Caleb that changed their first thought from the pharaohs ruling over them into trusting the love that God had for them to walk them through the difficulties into their new destination point.

So, how do I see this work out in my life?

Since two weeks I am placed in a program to reintegrate me back into the marketplace. For a short period I get the chance to get use to the work routine before having to do it on a salary for a company. This means that four days in the week I have to do work that is very simple and not challenging at all. God allowed me to fill in the question marks with dreams He has put into my heart, but He left out the confirmation. This means that I have the idea but not direct orders from God. The door to this (working) place, which has nothing that remotely looks like going into the direction of the destination point that I feel in my spirit, is the only door that is opened up for me right now.

This caused me to be pulled to both sides of the sponsoring thoughts. I had to make a choice which one to pick. As I was there working alongside people that are very negative, complaining and not taking this opportunity serious, there was this one line that continued to rise in my mind: “Don’t despise the small beginnings” (via Matthew Prewett). It made me determined to take this moment in life serious and make the best out of where I am now. So with a positive attitude I started to do the work as I would if I was working for a company. In the beginning they couldn’t stand me, they were gossiping and talking negative about me. Some of them actually hate(d) me. The second day coming in, the atmosphere was as dark and thick as it could be and ‘lucky me’, we were placed together to work as a team. Their thoughts about me was almost visible. But I remained positive, doing what I know God wants me to do and keeping my thoughts coming from the vine and trusting that God would protect me from the knives thrown at me. I decided to create my ‘workplace’ into heavenly culture and not accept anything less. I took interest in their lives, spoke positive words about and to them,  shared a bit about my own life and tried to made them laugh every now and then. On the third day the first changes were becoming visable, they slowly started to accept me. Their attitude changed and our teamwork became more productive and more fun. In this second week I could feel a change in the atmosphere. At one point some even missed me when I left to pick up my daughter from school. They said they should call me and tell me to come back again, because without me it just didn’t work (which means that they started to care about what they were doing). It's still a work in process, but we are all infected by the environment created around me with that what God told me to do.

Because God showed me that I have the power to create the things happening in my life, knowing that I am made in the image and therefore likeness of God, I was able to stand strong and keep my thoughts, words and actions the way they had to be. I see this revelation work in my life right now…even within two weeks.

God has put dreams and destination points and the roads towards them in our hearts and lives. They are waiting for us to come into realization. The reason that the devil is working so hard to come into our thought life, is to make us create the strongholds many of us are stuck in and therefore we won’t co-create our lives with God. We are allowed by God to fill in the question marks ourselves and with our thoughts, words and action we are coloring the road, already put there by God, into reality. We don’t have to beg God, we can thank God. We don’t have to ask how, we just trust that He will make sure we will arrive. Aim high, but know that it usually starts low. When we climb a mountain to reach the top, you know you have to start at the bottom. Don’t settle there, but do make the most out of it. Know that you are big creation machines and you are turning on a new manifestation literally as fast as you can think. I started to be aware of my thoughts, words and actions and check them if they are in alignment with my higher vision. If not, I change them and decide not to think, speak or do it anymore.

I pray this blesses you and that you can use this in your own life. Many blessings from me to you.

(Part of the process of this revelation and some of the knowledge that is processed into this blog, comes from: “Be Inspired” & “You Are Creators” via YouTube)