Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Are you a colander stream or a mountain stream?

You might be wondering how a colander- and a mountain stream relate to each other? Well, God explained a thing or two about this to me.

Both images have a powerful source that is providing water to flow to the land further down. The colander however has holes in it and when the water flows through it, the power of the current is stopped and the water gets separated and seems to leave the colander all over the place. If not careful, it gets quite messy.

The stream flowing from the melted ice at the top of the mountain, rushes its way down and sometimes gets separated for a bit into flowing creeks and finally the creeks find each other again and pour themselves out into one flowing river or into the ocean.

So what is it that I’m getting at? The powerful water source comes from God Himself, similar to Ezekiel 47. They both have that in common. They also have in common that from that source it gets separated and in the end it will get together again into one river or ocean. The way it gets separated and back together is what makes the difference.

The colander stream:

Here you see tiny holes that causes the water to have a funnel effect. It loses its strength because there is a massive separation going on. This makes the stream vulnerable, turbulent and unpredictable as it tries to find its way through. In the spirit I could see these holes as:

1)      The divisions within the body of Christ. We have taken the perfect, complete and powerful stream of Living water and have started to block out what we found was not as important or we couldn’t comprehend and so we created…

2)      The individual box thinking. We came up with thoughts and ideas that WE find ourselves comfortable in and in that process started to put limits on the wholeness that God is. We humans decided to push the stream of Living water through the holes that we made in our limited thinking and within our comfortable lives. We have the need to understand everything and when the things are not going the way they suppose to go, we draw conclusions and come up with our own solution or idea about it. This is what we push out and bring into this world. It loses its power, effectiveness and it spills a lot.

The mountain stream:

Here is a separation going on that is a bit different. The current remains powerful as it is streaming itself down. We can see it as conductors through specific areas before entering into its fulfillment…the place it needs to be to provide the Living water into the world. Translated into the Christian lives we can see the following:

1)      “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be build up until we all reach unity in faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (-Ephesians 4:11-13)…Which brings me to…

2)      The individual  journey. We are all unique, there is no one exactly like us. So God takes us all apart from time to time to equip us for the next river or ocean He has for us. It is that uniqueness, skills and talents that we developed with God, that adds value to the river or ocean to bring the Kingdom of God in its fullness into this world.

Hopefully does the question: “Are you a colander stream or a mountain stream?” make more sense now. For me I can say that in the past 6 years God certainly broke many box-thinking holes from me. Looking at myself now I know that I am still work in progress, but I finally became a solid mountain stream. I know God has prepared me and I feel, see and know that I am ready and on my way to start to flow towards a river or a ocean. I am excited, prepared and ready for my next intermediate piece towards my ultimate destination.

I hope I get to meet you there, I’m curious about your story’s!…

Many blessings from me to you.