Monday, June 27, 2016

From A to Better

The government in the Netherlands has this slogan: “From A to Better” to explain where there are road constructions, so that we can find another route to travel to our destinations. When we are on our journey and we find out that the road is cut off, it can be called a “bummer”…we don’t like that. But here’s the thing; if they don’t take the time to maintain the roads, we will run into much bigger problems such as holes in the road and our cars or other means of transport won’t like that. Not to mention the accidents it will cause. I’ve spent some time in Nigeria and most of the roads are just sand. One day I was in a bus when it went through a big hole. The bus was overturned to one side as we were stuck in that hole. We all had to carefully get out of the bus so that some men could push the bus backwards out of the hole so that we could continue the journey. This we can call a “bummer” too!

In our day to day lives, as we are working to accomplish our dreams, sometimes you find out that the road you are on is cut off. You were getting closer to a intermediate part of your destination, and suddenly you realize that the road is not accessible! This just recently happen to me. I was very close to a huge breakthrough, and suddenly…I was not. This was not the suddenly I felt in my spirit coming up, nor what the people of God were talking about when they were talking about sudden breakthroughs coming. Do you know how easy it is to get angry and frustrated, yell at the road workers there and spend the next hours complaining about this huge iniquity? Very easy to do so, and a couple of years back, this most likely would have been my first response. Fortunately I’ve learned that sometimes it’s an roadblock the devil placed to get you to turn around and give up. In my case it most likely has been this kind of attack, but when you can discern the situation, it has prevented me from driving into a very bad road further along the journey. God allowed the cutting off because He noticed the holes which have arisen.

Where does that leave me?

This can be very discouraging and what if it means that this detour will take up a lot of time that will feel like wasted? I don’t believe in that. I remember years ago when Don Moen was in our country and I went to the evening of worship, he shared with us an example of a navigation system. It gives you the direct turns to take for you to arrive at the destination you gave it. Every now and then you find that the road is inaccessible or you might have taken a wrong turn somewhere. When this happens, the devise asks you for a moment to recalculate the route to the original destination you gave it. When he has it, it will start to tell you which way to go again. What touched me the most, was when he said to notice that this “new” route is not viewed as a route “B” or “C”. No, it might have been a different way then he originally displayed, but this next one is still viewed as a route “A”.

With God, it is the same. If there is a road that does not fit in your means of travel or you might have missed the turn somewhere, it does not mean that the journey stopped and you start over again. Your destination has not changed, just the way to get there changed…it became Better!

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.” Philippians 3:13

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I want to encourage you not to get mad or frustrated. Don’t let it discourage you. It might hurt for a while to accept this new reality, but trust me when I say that it is not over yet! Keep going after the things that God has placed into your heart, it is worth any detour it takes to get there! And by the grace of God…you WILL get there!
