Friday, January 8, 2016

An introduction of myself as a new Blogger.

Hello reader,

My name is Judith and I am a proud mother of a beautiful daughter Alicia, and we live in the Netherlands.

For a while now I feel the Lord preparing me to start writing down and share some of my experiences and thoughts of my journey with Jesus Christ and the challenges it sometimes brings. My hope and prayer is that it may be a blessing for whoever has decided to read it. I hope it might bring inspiration and sometimes maybe even bring comfort or conformation, if you find youself in that season where you need it. I pray that the Lord God will have His words flow through my Blogs.

To be honest, many people around me think of me as being a bit radical in my Christian walk. Fortunately for me, God calls it hungry and He loves it!

I am a follower of Christ from around 2009/2010. In that time up until now, God has done so much for me! He has grasped all of my attention and I am so grateful for the sacrifices He made to offer me an eternity with Him, from the moment I have accepted and received His grace over my life.

In my following blogs I will share some of the amazing things that God is showing me and explaining to me. Quite often I find myself blown away by what He reveals and Jesus is very clear that what we receive from heaven also needs to flow through us in order to keep it flowing and in that process bless others with it as well.

We serve a living God and Jesus is very much alive and kicking in heaven right now. Be prepared for the glory of the Love from God, to be manifesting itself and poured out here on earth, on a scale never seen before!

I pray that we, the people, will have an open heart to receive it in Jesus name, amen.

Blessings from me to you,

Judith Kleinhout

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