Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Stuck in the waiting room!

Am I the only one that quite often finds myself stuck in the waiting room? I don’t think so. Just go to a doctor’s appointment or take a visit to the hospital and have a look around in the waiting rooms. Check out the line of people waiting with shopping bags at the weekly food handouts to the poorest of the poor, wondering what they will be able to eat for the coming week. Psychiatric hospitals are filled with people stuck in a body they just don’t know how to escape from, likewise how autistic people sometimes can feel. These are a bit extreme examples, but they are a reality in our society.

I am fortunate, my waiting room currently looks a bit different, not as dramatic as theirs. The thing that we all do have in common is this: We (sometimes) find ourselves in a place where deep down inside we know we don’t belong…we’re not supposed to be there. There is more, something better then this! When God formed us in our mothers whom, He placed a destiny in us. This destiny is a huge part of who we are. This destiny is also the place where we manifest Gods Glory to the fullest, because it comes from Him in the first place and it will return back to the One who designed it. For this reason Satan is working very hard to keep our eyes away from the revelation of Gods potential in us. From early on Satan will do anything possible to keep our spiritual eyes closed and blocking roads to make us take other directions, away from our destiny’s. In most cases this is easy for him because most people haven’t accepted Jesus as their savior. Without Jesus, we don’t stand a chance resisting the devil. Then there are the Christians that do have Jesus in their lives but not a relationship with Him and have no idea about the spiritual realm. They do not understand that we have a enemy fighting us each and every moment of the day. Then you also have people that do have that relationship with Jesus and are aware of this other realm and they are fighting the enemy on a daily basis to get him of our backs and off our tracks.

In my case; when I grew up I was in a home of the second category where we did know about Jesus and I was baptized as a baby and I did go to a Christian (elementary) school. But there was no relationship with Him and this changed our home into the first category. We became non-believers. Satan was ruling our house.

When I was just a born again believer, I was attacked massively as I was cleaning up my life. For example when I was a sleep I would be paralyzed and I felt myself being pulled down into the darkness. I couldn’t move nor speak, and I knew that this was it, I am gone. In my spirit I said: “Jesus, if this is it…know that I love You, Jesus I love You, Jesus I love You! At the third time suddenly the grip of darkness would leave me, I was back. This is just one example of many that I have. Most attacks I was able to tackle, but at least one time I wasn’t. This is where my daughter was created and this brought on a whole new level of attacks. For example when I was 8 months pregnant, I was in the car with her ‘father’ when suddenly He would just lose his mind and started screaming at me so loud, it vibrated through my whole body. During this he would pull up the car and then hit the brakes again. Everybody driving around us started to take a huge distance from us. During this I quietly prayed in tongues and asked God what is going on. How do I pray about this. When he started to scream about the sins of the church I smiled inside and told God to have His way with him. Now I was sure that it was the devil next to me and I can pray to God to attack the devil. So I continued to pray in tongues and then he got to the point that he would scream: “Shall I show you how crazy I am? (2x)…You see that tree there? I’ll show you how crazy I am!” There was a tree and behind it the water. I visualized us in the car drowning in the water. My thought was: “What if nobody finds us, we (baby and I) would be in this water forever!” Remember, I was just born again, the heaven part was not that familiar to me then as it is now. The moment he wanted to push the gas padel I felt a anesthesia in my body. I was seeing it all, but it was like I was not there. Now I understand that it was the presence of God, an Angel appeared to us. In a split second, we were standing in front of the final traffic light before the impact, and it was green…but now it was red! And not only that, in front AND on both sides next to us were huge cars, we were trapped. And the final miracle was that within that split second he was ‘normal’ again.

You might be thinking: “Judith, this is some heavy stuff.” But did you know that on a daily basis thousands of people, including children are going through these kinds of experiences? Many of them don’t make it out alive. I’ve spend some time in Woman’s Shelters and I can tell you, they are in the waiting room! Just like happened to me, where people  in the cars didn’t intervene but actually take a huge distance from it, so it is happening right now. Jesus said in Luke 10:2 “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” In John 4:35 Jesus said: “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”

When I started this topic I did not have this content on my mind. As I was typing the Holy Spirit guided me to this point. Reading it back I can see and feel the call of the Holy Spirit on this message: Let us start opening our eyes to see the reality that we have an enemy to fight against. His name is Satan and He thinks he is ruling this earth. But God is starting to flip the coin and opening our eyes to see all the people stuck in all the waiting rooms, ready to be called by the doctor (Jesus) and receive their salvation and navigation, pointing them back on the track to their place of destiny they originally received from the Father in heaven. Let us have an understanding that the spiritual world is literally darkness against light. When I got baptized in 2010, I was wearing black and white clothing. Before the baptizer started he said: “Black we are leaving behind! White, come on”! Could you and I make this the motto of our Christian Life? Could it be possible to have this desire burning in our hearts to exterminate darkness? I believe it is, for this is the Trinity’s hearts desire…sooner or later, we will catch it up and burn like we have never done before…COME ON JESUS!

Doug Addison teaches us to ask God the following: “Lord Jesus, let me see that which Satan doesn’t want me to see!” I have been doing that and I came to this conclusion…Do it! You won’t regret it!

God is up to something, I pray you and I will have a deep desire to join in on it.

Many blessings from me to you…

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